Maximize your total loss offer from your insurance company

Insurance companies can undervalue your car by thousands of dollars.
Review your total loss claim for vehicle valuation mistakes that cost you money and make a counter-offer.

100s of happy

Our customers love what we do. See how much they improved upon the insurance company's first offer

Don’t leave money on the table.


Randy used Level to find missing vehicle features and errors in the insurance company’s conditioning assessment that resulted in this receiving over a thousand more than his insurance company's first offer.

Missing vehicle features

Level helped Vlad find missing vehicle features and errors in the insurance company’s conditioning assessment that empowered him to effectively negotiate for more.

Errors in conditioning

Michael used Level to find missing vehicle features and additional dealer installed options that helped him avoid getting paid out too little for his totaled car.

Missing vehicle features

Level helped find missing vehicle features that Matthew's insurance company overlooked.

Missing vehicle features

Shakirat used Level to find missing vehicle features and then negotiate for a more fair vehicle payment.

Missing vehicle features

“The information Level provided brought my claim about $500. I genuinely do feel like it made a difference.”

Missing vehicle features

Randy used Level to find missing vehicle features and errors in the insurance company’s conditioning assessment that resulted in this receiving over a thousand more than his insurance company's first offer.

Missing vehicle features

Level helped Vlad find missing vehicle features and errors in the insurance company’s conditioning assessment that empowered him to effectively negotiate for more.

Errors in conditioning

Michael used Level to find missing vehicle features and additional dealer installed options that helped him avoid getting paid out too little for his totaled car.

Missing vehicle features

Level helped find missing vehicle features that Matthew's insurance company overlooked.

Missing vehicle features

Shakirat used Level to find missing vehicle features and then negotiate for a more fair vehicle payment.

Missing vehicle features

“The information Level provided brought my claim about $500. I genuinely do feel like it made a difference.”

Missing vehicle features

How it Works

Most insurance claims are negotiable. Level helps you navigate the process to maximize your payment in three easy steps.

Share your offer document

Your insurance company's valuation usually contains mistakes that lower your car's value. Share the offer and answer a few simple questions about your car.

Level helps you check for mistakes

We guide you through your total loss offer document to show you how to look for missing features, options or conditioning errors to get the best possible outcome.

Use Level to make a counter-offer to your insurance company

Level decodes industry jargon and prepares you with the tools you need to effectively negotiate with the insurance company.


We bet you’ll get additional money for your car

It’s 100% free if you don’t.

No upfront costs or hidden fees

We'll look at your case for free. Only pay $299 if you get more for your claim, or your money back.


Have a question that isn't answered here?

Contact us with the button below!

How does Level make money?

We only make money if we make you money. We will only charge you our flat fee of $299 if we get you more than $299.

Wait, I didn’t know you could negotiate with your insurance company for your car’s value.

Yes. Insurance companies expect you to negotiate the value of your vehicle! In fact, they train their adjusters how to be effective negotiators. Level guides you through the process to make sure you’re treated fairly. When your car is determined to be a total loss and you have insurance coverage, your insurance company will pay you for the actual cash value of your car. Often times, that value can be negotiated.

What do I need to get started with Level?

If your vehicle was determined to be a total loss, Level analyzes your vehicle valuation report for errors that unnecessarily lower the actual cash value of your car. To get started, you’ll need the detailed total loss offer from your insurance company. This is usually a CCC or Mitchell report.

I did my own research on KBB and Edmunds. Do I need to use Level?

Researching the value of your car using free tools like KBB and Edmunds can help you get a general range for your vehicle's value based on what similar cars are selling for. Level goes beyond these online tools and helps you analyze the specific offer you received from your insurance company. Level helps you check for report errors (like missing vehicle features) that lower the value of your car.

Can you provide a vehicle appraisal?

Sometimes, insurance companies will ask you to get an independent appraisal. Unfortunately, Level can’t yet offer you an appraisal. In some situations, we may be able to connect you to an appraiser.

We're a team of technologists and ex-insurance industry leaders, building for a better future for consumers.

Elliot Schad
Victor Fu

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